Not all cases of hip pain will require surgery. That said the key to understanding and treating the problem relies on making the correct diagnosis. Your VITA Orthopaedic consultant is best placed to establish the correct diagnosis and provide advice on how to manage your hip pain.
Non-surgical treatments include such things as lifestyle modification, use of simple painkillers and anti-inflammatories, and use of walking aids. Combinations of such measures can be effective in managing early hip pain.
Physiotherapy may also be useful in maintaining a good range of movement by preventing or limiting hip stiffness.
Injections of steroid and local anaesthetic into the hip may also be recommended for relief of symptoms that are not yet severe enough to warrant surgical intervention.
Ultimately, the treatment of choice for hip arthritis is total hip replacement or in some cases, hip resurfacing.
If you think you require treatment for a hip problem, whether it be surgical or otherwise, please get in touch with VITA Orthopaedics or you can request an appointment with us here.